New to the Biking? Here are 5 Things Every MX Rider Needs

There’s some kind of unmatched thrill in biking that is in no other sport and believe it or not you’re never too old to take over this new sport. Keep yourself available to learning new things associated with the game every day because honestly you’ll learn something new every time you start your bike.

First things first, the importance of owning the right MX gear from right mx store will give you a better experience at the sport, with lesser mistakes made, and a journey worth everything.  

Here’s to my passion for bikes, biking, and advising people to choose the right sports gear, always.

Ready and Go!

1. Full Face Helmet – Never go easy with the helmet! I repeat never… The full face helmet is paramount because it prevent any crash from causing you a serious brain injury. The jaw protector in it will reduce the risk of hurting your jaws. Easy?


Just remember there are points to consider (in detail) when choosing your MX full face helmet.


· Safety Features – Do some research before you make the purchase and NEVER go for the cheap but nice looking helmets – they will not offer the required safety. Instead, you should buy one that is certified and holds the reputation.

· Ventilation is Important - Another thing is to check the ventilation – you shouldn’t feel suffocated in the helmet in case you have to wear it for long drives. Every helmet will have different levels of ventilation feature – choose the one that makes you feel the most comfortable.

· Material and Weight – One thing to keep in mind is that material and weight go hand in hand. Make sure you’re choosing a light but quality material. Quality vise carbon fiber is much lighter than composites that can be used to make the helmet shell. Make sure you do some online research to understand which the best material for the purpose.

· Field of Vision – Every helmet is different and so are its features – one very important one is the field of vision – the more the rider can see the better and safer. Give this point it due importance because it sure has a role to play for MX bikers.


2. Dirt Bike Boots – Through the years the dirt bike boots have evolved a lot; today there is an extensive range of these boots available to choose from. Talking about the importance these boots are an integral part of the bikers kit because they protect the entire foot – ankle and lower leg. Why you need this is because you need to understand that as a biker it is your foot is on the line of fire and taking care of it is of utmost importance. That being said, the dirt bike foot will protect against any impacts as well as provide any support to help prevent unwanted twisting of the ankle and lower leg.


The points to consider when buying dirt bike boots include the following –


· Check the Fit – Not too fit and not too lose – that is one simple rule! Remember a poor fitting boot is almost pointless; a properly fitting boot is the only one that can provide you the necessary safety. I would rather recommend you to try some pairs before you purchase one – this will enable you to understand which is the best pair for your foot and makes you feel the most comfortable.

· Protection – A high quality dirt bike boot will offer you the most protection and that is what you need to be looking for. Remember the boots you choose should have a sturdy sole – this will support and comfort the wearer when standing on foot pegs.

· Ergonomics is an Important Factor – Ergonomics of the dirt bike boots how the boot affects the overall experience on the bike for the biker. The boot should be one that offers the right amount of flex around the ankle so that it is still very comfortable to ride on. Furthermore, the boots must be able to hyper extension as well as hyper flexion.

· Weight is Always Important – You definitely do not want shoes that are too heavy and make you feel tired by just putting them on because honestly that would feel like riding with two blocks of cement on feet. Pick a pair of shoes that are comfortable, light weight and easy to carry for you – remember the lighter you feel the longer you go!


3. Dirt Bike Gloves – I think you know exactly why the gloves are important, but strangely if you do not then I’ll tell you why – it keeps your hands safe from harsh weather conditions, gives you the comfort you need while riding the bike and offers grip. Also, no blisters on hands mean more comfort – and that is what the gloves do for you.


Certainly you know all the good that the gloves do for you, but what you should know better is the process of choosing the one that best suits your requirements.

 Consider these factors to make the right selection –


· Do Not Go Wrong with the Size – Why would you want to buy gloves that are smaller or bigger than your actual size? Honestly, that’s insane and something you never should do. Pick the right size, always because if anything ever goes wrong you do not want to blame the wrong pair of gloves. Typically, gloves come in sizes from small to extra large – so choose only what fits you the best.

· Material is Important – Selection of the material is usually based on the riding style. For example, if you need gloves for tours and cruises and then these need to have certain features like  being able to protect you from the harsh climatic conditions there. Remember there is a range of options available when t comes to material, make sure you’re picking one wisely.

· Glove Padding – A lot of gloves now days are available with and without padding and it is on your personal preference to choose the one that is the most comfortable for you. Also, whatever you’re choosing make are it is still breathable and offers the right grip. Personally, if you were to take my vote I would suggest you to go for gloves with a padding – this is because they’re safer and isn’t that exactly why you’re here?


4. Knee Braces – Like your head and hands, your knees need some kind of protection too – this work is done by knee braces or knee guards as most people may call them. Here is no denying the fact that knee injuries are the most common in any kind of sport and biking is therefore no different. I would rather say that during a crash there are huge chances that the knee may hyperextend or twist in a way that may cause pain and harm to it – the knee brace protects from this.


KnwPoints to note before purchase of the knee guard include the following –


· Comfort is Important, Again – I’ve talked about comfort being an important factor time and again, and here I am talking about it yet again. When choosing a knee guard remember it should make your knee feel comfort and not hurting already. Instead of choosing a one size fit all kind of guard you can choose one that is available with some kind of adjustment to make – this way the braces will fit in more comfortably without hurting you.

· Weights – Not More, Not Less – Once again, go easy with the weights – you do not want something really heavy around your knees. Rather, all you’re looking out for is care and protection. Choose something in a convenient weight – something that you can carry even if it is a long distance tour that you have to wear it on.

· Consider Padding, Again – Padding is important and I repeat that. While the usual knee braces do some fine job they can never be just as good as the padded ones. Having said that, make sure you check enough options when it comes to choosing the rightly padded knee braces.


5. Dirt Bike Goggles – Last but definitely not least on the list of essential sports gear for MX biking includes dirt bike goggles – getting something in your eye while you are dirt biking is not only severely damaging to the eye but it can also cause a crash from not being able to see well and appropriately.


Honestly, eye wear not only protects your eyes but also makes you appear better (at least that is true in my case). But, you cannot just go out and buy any dirt bike goggles without knowing what you’re actually buying; therefore, you can consider these points mentioned here for more details –


· Never Go Wrong with the Size – Pick the right size but try picking on bigger lenses. This is primarily because the more the biker is able to see – the better it is. It should be well fitting but with good lenses and that is something you shouldn’t ignore.

· Ventilation – One really worst thing that happens when wearing dirt bike goggles when riding a bike is that they may fog up. This is exactly the reason why it is important to choose goggles that offer good ventilation.

· Lens Check – For lens check it can be said that it completely depends on the type of dirt biking that you do as well as the time of the day when you usually ride. Also, lenses may become scratched over a period of time, so a new one may be required any time soon. Never wear scratched lenses because that can cause distorted vision.

Follow on all of these points to purchase the five best and imperative dirt bike gear.

Remember, safety first makes you the best biker!


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