10 Dirt Bike Essential Every Rider Must Have

Irrespective of the sport one thing that can never be ignored is the sports gear and if you have ever been around motocross riding then you most definitely know about the important gear- ones that you can never do without.

Even though the choice of accessories depends majorly on the riders and the terrain that is being selected for the rides, there are still some essentials that can never be ignored. If you are a motocross rider with some experience or a newbie, here are some dirt bike essentials you should always have on your list.

Read further for more and better information – 

1. A Full Face Helmet is Important – Remember how every hoarding board on the street says wear your helmet while driving? So, why would you really not wear one when riding a dirt bike?

Dirt bike helmets are an extremely important accessory for motocross riders because these are constructed to safeguard the most important organ of the body – the brain. Helmets are made from a material that is mostly resistant to a lot of road accidents – this means these will save your head from any injuries that could otherwise be fatal in a road accident or in a dirt bike competition.

A reason why riders are always suggested to go for full coverage helmets is that these also offer safety to the jaws which could otherwise be knocked out in an accident.

When choosing the helmet make sure you give complete importance to the selection of the right material because only a good quality helmet will be able to offer you the safety that you are looking for. Therefore, all riders are suggested to give the selection of the quality material for the helmet a great amount of importance.

Another thing that you may want to consider when choosing a rider's helmet is the ventilation in it – this is important because without proper ventilation there are high chances of the riders to sweat more, and overheat quickly – usually more than usual. Therefore, as long the helmet has vents that promote ventilation you should be okay to go for it.


2.  Start with the Jersey Selection – Riders bike the bike on a number of terrains and should have their gear set accordingly – thus giving some good importance to the selection of the right jersey.

Even though there are a number of riders who choose not to go with the idea of a jersey and like to stick with just the shirt, it is important to choose one because jerseys offer an extra layer of protection in cold weather conditions. Additionally, it will also save you against sunburns when you’re riding in hot weather conditions.

When choosing the best jersey for you make sure you go with the selection of the right material because isn’t that all you need to have a rather safe body during the ride? This means when choosing the material of the jersey you should something according to the weather; for example, you can choose to wear leather jerseys on colder terrains and choose something that can make you sweat lesser on the hot summer days. Similarly, if you are riding on a rainy terrain choose something that is waterproof because you do not want to ride while you’re completely drenched in rain.

Additionally, when you start with the purchase of the jerseys make sure you buy something that fits you pretty well because anything that happens to be too loose or too tight will give only make you feel more uncomfortable.


3. Pants are Not to be Ignored – Just like it is with the jerseys it is important with the pants too because you will be riding on a range of terrains and need something on the legs that makes you feel more comfortable.

Therefore, when choosing your motocross pants choose the right material – preferably something that is similar to that of your jersey because that will make you feel more comfortable during your long bike rides.

Also, it is imperative that you give fitting the due importance because you do not wear something too loose or too tight only to make yourself feel more uncomfortable.


4. Dirt Bike Boots – Since you will be riding on long distances more often than not it is important to have your feet safe – which is why it is important to choose the right pair of safety boots. Honestly, if you are looking for a reason to choose the right pair of dirt bike boots then what you need to know is that with motocross riding it is your feet that are on the line all the time and that is why you should do everything to ensure they are appropriately taken care of.

Additionally, dirt bike boots will always protect against impacts and unnecessary twisting of your ankle and the lower leg – giving them all the credit for keeping your legs and feet safe all through the ride.

The selection of the boots is primarily based on the type of material – you need to have something that is of the highest quality material – preferably something robust and long-lasting for the rides. Additionally, choose something that makes you feel comfortable and doesn’t feel like you’re tying rocks on the feet – the boots should be lightweight and still be able to do the work for the rider.

When selecting the boots for you make sure you try on a few pieces before you finally pick the one that best suits you and matches all your expectations as far as safety boots for motocross riding are concerned.


5. Never Underestimate the Importance of Goggles – When you’re on your bike and riding you’re being constantly hit by the air most and this may cause the eyes to water or even dry out – ultimately causing extreme discomfort. Additionally, when riding there are high chances of anything to fall into your eyes and distract you from the ride – sometimes even causing major accidents.

To save you from all of this and to safeguard your eyes every time you are riding, it is important you choose the right goggle for you. However, with such an extensive range of options already available, it is suggested that you consider a few important things when choosing goggles – one of which is choosing something that fits you perfectly. Additionally, you need to see if these goggles are constantly fogged up because of your breathing – make sure you choose something that is much safer and shows minimum chances of becoming cloudy.


6. Don’t Miss on the Gloves – I’ve known people who have for a long period in their time only associated gloves with the safety of the hands but there is definitely a lot that they are associated with. To say the least, motocross gloves offer you the required amount of grip that you need when riding these dirt bikes.

Wearing the dirt bike gloves will protect you against abrasions and burns, and stops blisters from forming. Additionally, they also provide padding to lessen vibrations, thus increasing hand endurance.

When buying gloves,make sure you choose something that fits you perfectly and is made from the highest quality material thus offering you the comfort you are looking for. For example, when riding in summers you need something that can absorb the sweat and not make your hands feel too wet while riding and when riding in the winters you need something that can keep you warm and save your hands from going numb.

Another important point you can consider when choosing gloves is understanding the foam factor – you need to go for gloves that have some foam padding to save your knuckles in case of a hit. Additionally, you can go with the gloves that come with hard knuckles to offer some added support and protection to those fragile bones.


7. Knee Braces – During cuts and turns the part of your body that is most prone to risk is the knee and anything that you do to save them is absolutely worthwhile. Knee braces work as important equipment for motocross riders and these are important irrespective of whether you are an experienced rider or an amateur on the race tracks.

The knee braces you choose will offer an extra protection cover to the knees saving them completely during the cuts and turns and also during an accident that is always uncalled for. When choosing the knee braces make sure you go for something that has some level of padding in it – this protects you in case of a bang.

Apart from the padding part about the braces, it is important to consider other important factors too including the comfort that they should offer. Never choose something that is extremely uncomfortable for your knees and are available in the right weight. Do not buy something too heavy that makes you feel too weighted on the knees – rather it is suggested to go for something that is light in weight and still offers the necessary amount of protection for the knees.


8. Elbow Guards Matter – Similar to the knee braces you need something for the elbows too and this should be selected exactly the way you select your knee braces.

Elbow padding is used to protect your elbow and arms during an accident because sometimes your elbow may turn and twist in ways that can be extremely dangerous.

Also, I am mentioning again but when choosing your elbow guards make sure you consider the point about the padding, the weights on the pads, and the material that is being used for them. Consider all of these points and choose the best elbow guards for you.


9. Body Armor is Always Suggested – A majority of the riders do not like to choose the idea of body armor but this is one of the most important equipments that motocross riders need. Choosing to wear body armor can offer protection to a lot of vital organs, as well as the spine (depending particularly on the type of armor being used).

Honestly, you may not need a heavy-duty chest so you can go for a somewhat lightweight minimalistic chest because that is most definitely a great idea. The type of dirt biking you majorly dictates the type of body armor you need.

If you were to take my vote I’d say wearing body armor is always a smart decision and you should always choose that. However, when choosing one you should choose something that is not too heavy, offers the most protection, and offers good ventilation to avoid any sweating conditions.


10.  Brace Your Neck with a Neck Brace – Dirt bike neck braces have become a common sight in recent years and the kind of protection that they offer is no surprise. These braces offer excellent protection against any kind of spinal cord injuries.

What you need to understand here is that in case of a crash the rider is often thrown in awkward positions that may result in hyperextension or hyperflexion of the neck. A neck brace will limit the rider’s head movements to stop this from happening.

When choosing the neck brace you can consider a few points and one very important is the weight – do not choose something that is too weighted because that’ll make you neck feel too burdened. Additionally, it is important to choose something that offers some adjustments that you can make at your convenience and offers some head restrictions. A properly fitting, modern, and high-quality neck brace will offer plenty of room for comfortable dirt biking head movement.

These are all very important pieces of equipment that all motocross riders should have and never miss out on.

However, when choosing these types of equipment make sure you’re buying them from a reputed store – someone that can offer you all of these equipments but without literally burning a hole in your pocket. 

Intent Mx is a great choice if you are looking for any of the motocross gears.


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