5 Questions to Ask Yourself When Buying Motocross Gear

Biking is one of the most selected sports these days and a majority of the people loves being a part of it – learning, practicing, and riding. Honestly this isn’t the sport that is for only the youngsters because if you see there are some middle age and old men who have an equal affinity for the sport and definitely love being a part of it. It’s one crazy thing that gives one a chance to enjoy speed on ground.  

Starting there, people often give their motocross practice a lot of time but what they often miss out on is the safety part – this means while they’re perfecting at the game they’re missing out on motocross gear.

About Motocross Gear

Motocross gear itself is a fairly broad term that gets thrown around referencing a great number of different things when it comes to what you wear on your dirt bike. We like to separate the riding gear from the protective equipment as much as possible, so today we're going to be looking at the four main categories under our dirt bike gear banner - jerseys, pants, gloves, and socks.

Selection of the perfect gear includes a lot of things and if you think the selection process is a tough thing, then here is something that will certainly help you – the five questions to ask yourself when buying motocross gear.

1. What am I really looking for? No I am not saying you will always be unsure but there could be days of sheer confusion when all you need is some good advice and help. Therefore, on days like these you have to be very particular of what you’re buying and why.


There are a range of MX gear that are available out there and for you to choose the best one you should know what you’re actually looking for. Also, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of your purchase and not just go on a random shopping spree.

Remember a little cautiousness in the shopping of motocross gear can go a long way for you.

2. What brand options do I have? When talking about motocross gear there are plentiful options of brands that are available for you to choose from. Remember even though there are endless brands available choosing the one that is going to be the best for your MX gear is what you should focus on – this means you should be very well aware of what you’re looking for and select the brand accordingly.

When picking the brand keep in mind their experience in the field as well as the reviews in the market – you definitely do not want to choose someone who lacks the experience or doesn’t have good reviews about the quality of their gear 

Keep all things in mind when choosing the brand because you shouldn’t be compromising here, at all!

3. What about size and fit? Size and fit are absolutely important points and should be considered just as important as the two points mentioned above. When choosing and buying your gear it is vital that you keep in mind the things about size and fit because choosing something that is too loose or tight can eventually look all worthless; therefore, please make it a point to never ignore these. 

Something loose or tight will only make you feel uncomfortable and this is the last thing you need when riding the motocross bike.

4. What do I choose between quality and budget? While both quality and budget have their individual roles to play it is important to be able to draw a line between them. Most people usually go for something that is cheaper in quality because the item is available at a more budget friendly price. However, this is the wrong practice and should be dropped immediately – you should always give quality an upper hand even if that means spending some extra money – remember a quality product will not only serve its purpose better but will also be durable, thus minimizing all the chances of  buying the same product over and over again.

5. Who is the best seller? Just like the brands there are endless sellers available out there to offer you the best dirt bike gear but choosing one good one is all you really need. Now, why I say one good one is because you definitely do not want to run from one store to another or one online place to another looking for the right MX gear; therefore, you need just one good place that sells the best in class MX gear as well as any other motocross accessories you might be looking for.

Let’s break it here – if you are in Australia and wondering who the best is for you when it comes to MX gear, then choosing Intent MX is highly recommended. Intent MX has the highest range of the best options of motocross gear all of which are available at extremely budget friendly prices and of the highest quality.

Hope this information helps you! 


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