Amateurs at Motocross Riding? Here are the 10 Things You Cannot EVER Do Without

Let’s just begin straight because now that you are going to be a motocross rider you will prefer speed above a lot of things (but trust me that is just the beginning of the biggest battle – speed versus safety). Sure, you are learning your basics correctly and giving enough time to the sport – practicing every day with the same passion and dedication, because these are the core pillars to make it big into the sport one day.

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However, even though you are taking your lessons every day there will be things that you somehow might miss thinking these are lesser important for now, but trust me nothing is less important when it comes to MX riding – all things are just as important and should be considered just the same. 

While I believe the experienced players already have the idea about them, it is actually the amateurs who need all of this information that will work as the primary guide for them in the field. Therefore, if you are the new player here, this is an article that you should consider reading since it contains the list of the 10 things that you cannot really do without, EVER. 

1. A Practice Bike: All your practices and a long career in motocross really begin when you start practicing on your own bike; therefore, you really need this one to begin with. You don’t really need a fancy, huge, expensive bike – just the one that you can start your practice sessions on.

    When choosing the bike you should take into careful consideration your height and choose a bike that is just enough for you. Additionally, choose something lightweight, to begin with – this is important because you should be able to handle the bike and it shouldn’t be too heavy for your riding practices. Also, consider considering the engine and go for something light.

   There is definitely no need for you to buy a new bike, instead, you can use a used version because that is definitely going to cost you lesser compared to a brand new bike.


2. The Correct Gear (Jersey and Pants): Motocross gear is of high importance and if you think you can do without them then you are highly mistaken. Since the gear will not only offer your protection and safety during the ride but will also make you look smarter, it is imperative that you consider buying the dirt bike gear.

    Gear includes jerseys and pants and both serve their purpose well when chosen to keep in mind the kind of terrain you will be riding on. Considering the importance of the terrain is important because there is gear available based on this specification. For example, you need something warmer for the body if you are going to ride in the winters or a windy terrain; similarly, the requirement for the summers will be of something lose and anti-sweat.

    When choosing the gear make sure you give the importance to size too and never go for something that is either too loose or too tight – this is important for your overall comfort during the ride. Also, make sure you buy the gear of the highest quality and make no compromise here.


3. A High-Quality Helmet: Helmets save your head and jaws during an accident or any kind of bang – you may consider not riding without the helmet but that is never a smart thing to do. Even the best riders wear helmets so make sure you put on one even if it is during your practice sessions.

   Choose a high-quality helmet, preferably something in fiber because it is light in weight and offers higher levels of safety in case of an accident. Additionally, make sure your helmet covers your full face and even the jaws because everything needs safety and nothing works better than helmets here.

     It is always suggested that you consider a lot of your options in helmets and go for the one that fits you perfectly on the head (isn’t too loose or tight) and is of the best quality material. It is only when you consider your options well that you are really able to pick the best for you.


4. Knee and Elbow Pads: During practice sessions, rides, or even races, the knees and elbows are always at risk, not only during an accident but also when you’re taking the turns.  Bruising your knees and elbows can cause a lot of pain and sometimes it may go on for long; therefore, make sure you own the right quality of knee and elbow pads.

    The purpose of these pads is rather simple – they offer protection during turns other than doing their work in case of any major accident that could cause a major injury to the elbows and knees.

   When choosing the pads make sure you go for something that is of the best quality because choosing something otherwise will only compromise your overall safety. Additionally, make sure of enough padding in these because it is always the extra pads that do the work for you.

5. Gloves are of High Importance: The purpose of gloves is rather simple – they offer you protection to your hands, wrists, fingers, and knuckles other than offering the required grip when riding the bike. A lot of young riders think it is convenient to ride without gloves on but that really is never a smart thing to do, so make sure you bring the quality home for you.

    When buying gloves make sure of not only the required fitting but also the padding – the gloves should be padded because only padded gloves can offer you the protection that you need in case of an accident. Remember to never compromise on the quality of the gloves because they compromise your safety.

    It is highly suggested to use full hand gloves because these offer protection right up to the wrist and not just the palms and fingers.


6. Boots for the Ride: Boots serve the purpose of keeping your feet and ankles safe throughout the practice and during races too – this means that if you’ve got the right pair of boots you can definitely do a lot in terms in safety.

    Choose shoes that come with the best grip of the sole and are definitely not too heavy – you shouldn’t feel tired wearing them all day long. Remember to try on a good number of pieces well before picking the final one for you – this always helps!


7. Goggles: When you’re practicing or racing the gush of winds will always cause irritation in your eyes and may even cause some dryness; therefore, you should always put on your goggles that allow for complete view other than serving their purpose well.

    Selection of the goggle should always be on the basis of the right fitting as well as the view – you do not need the ones that do not have clear glasses. Also, remember to consider full fitting or the wind might still cause the same amount of trouble to you.


8. Accessory Bag: For all of your motocross gear and accessories it is vital that you have an accessory bag that has enough space for everything. You surely need this one because what else would you use for all of your accessories and gear?

    So, without any delay make sure you create this list of accessories, equipment, and gear that you need to begin with motocross. Also, make sure you’re choosing the right seller and brand for everything because when you choose the right things you choose something that lasts really long.

Hope this information helps you! 


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