Dirt Bike Selection – Choosing the One that is Best for You

I know the kind of love that is associated with dirt bikes and I know this because I fought my family to buy my first dirt bike.

You feel me, right?

However, buying the first bike came with some good amount of knowledge and some tough experiences – one of the most important ones being deciding carefully which dirt bike works well for you. Well, I learned things the hard way but I hope that never happens to you and that is why this article includes for you some knowledge to help you make the right decision with dirt bikes and the process of purchase.

Read through before you make the final investment.

    • Experience & Skill LevelEveryone buying their first bike is not an amateur to biking but then let’s not ignore the fact that many are new to the idea of dirt biking and are just fascinated by speed and form.

      Before you choose on your first dirt bike make sure you understand your experience and skill level at biking – you do not have to be absolutely perfect (and that is why the first bike has to be tough). Never go for more than you think you are capable of because that way you will only burn on your hard-earned money. 

      All said, if you have a basic understanding of bike riding, the option of 120 cc will still be much ideal for you. However, if you aren’t much skilled with the art of biking, you should consider going with the much lighter variants such as the 70cc minibikes.

    • Understand the Importance of the Right Weight - Choosing the bike of the right weight is crucial because it should be something that you can appropriately deal with without causing yourself any major problems. Apart from just checking on the weight of the bike, it is also important to understand the relation of the weight of the bike with the weight of the rider. Honestly, a beginner weighing less than 100 pounds requires a different suspension compared to an adult weighing 250 pounds. 

      When buying your first bike you must make sure you have done the research and have taken advice from someone who knows enough about bikes and how they should be chosen based on weight.

    • Height and Height (Bike and Yours) - Next thing that you need to consider when choosing your bike is your height and the relation between your height and that of the bike you are choosing. This is an important question that you need to ask yourself because this has an important role to play. The arm-stretching power of a two-stroke 250cc dirt bike may be too powerful for you if you aren’t strong.

      On the other hand, if you happen to be strong enough and tall too, then you need to make sure that you go for a dirt bike with the right suspension and sufficient power to accommodate you. Additionally, you need to make sure that the seat of the dirt bike is adjustable perfectly.

    • How much are you willing to spend? - Point four of what you need to consider when choosing a dirt bike is your budget. This is absolutely certain that you have a budget set for you already but the real question is how much more or less are you willing to spend from that budget.

       You will have a number of options that you may want to choose from when it comes to selecting the right dirt bike, but make sure you understand everything about the bike as well as what additional amount it might want you to spend on it.

      However, no matter what happens, it is always a great decision to stick within your budget. You don’t want to miss paying for other things since you overspend on your bike.

    • Decide Between 2 Stroke and 4 Stroke Bike - Currently, the two-stroke bikes have started to be replaced with the more reliable four-stroke bikes, they have begun to make a comeback in recent years. While there is nothing wrong with a two-stroke dirt bike, most riders believe that they can sometimes be louder and smellier.

      Before you go ahead with the bike selection process, it is important that you understand which of the two options between 2 stroke and 4stroke bikes is best for you. Just remember, you will need to change the oil frequently and carry out regular valve adjustments. In fact, a liquid-cooled four-stroke dirt bike can become your biggest nightmare if you try a top-end rebuild.

Before you go ahead with the bike selection process, it is important that you understand which of the two options between 2 stroke and 4stroke bikes is best for you. Just remember, you will need to change the oil frequently and carry out regular valve adjustments. In fact, a liquid-cooled four-stroke dirt bike can become your biggest nightmare if you try a top-end rebuild.

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